IMEASIMEAS (Integrated and Multi-level Energy Models for the Alpine Space) will engage different governments and economic sectors, supporting synergies between policies, political actions, disseminated methodologies and goal-oriented framework plans in the Alpine Space beyond 2020.
IMEAS (Integrated and Multi-level Energy Models for the Alpine Space) will engage different governments and economic sectors, supporting synergies between policies, political actions, disseminated methodologies and goal-oriented framework plans in the Alpine Space beyond 2020.
The aim of IMEAS is to create a new integrated approach and common tools to improve the capacity of public administrations, agencies and other institutions to plan integrated and sustainable energy policies and to elaborate the appropriate measures and tools for their implementation.
Project partner
Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (Lead) (IT)
Rhônalpénergie-Environnement (FR)
Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung (AUT)
Fondazione per l’Ambiente T.Fenoglio ONLUS (IT)
Zavod Energetska agencija za Savinjsko, Šaleško in Koroško (SI)
Centre de Recherches Energétiques et Municipales (CH)
Liechtenstein Institute for Strategic Development (LI)
Project details
Project period: 01.11.2016 – 30.06.2019
Total cost: EUR 2.146.210
Funding framework: EUR 1.580.877
IMEAS was co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space Program.
Project flow
In particular, the IMEAS partners are working on the alignment of incentives that support the decision-making process, multidimensional integration and capacity building for efficient energy planning and implementation processes. The main concern is the co-design of an efficient low carbon model for the Alpine region.
Project outcome
White paper describing the Stakeholder Network Model, a tool to link energy decision makers across multiple levels of government
Open source platform to support coherent and comprehensive planning and implementation of sustainable energy and environmental policies with practical tools and guidelines
Roadmaps of IMEAS tools and models in partnership areas based on best practices for developing a low carbon model beyond 2020