KoProLZK+Cost and process optimization in the life cycle of ultra-low and plus-energy buildingshttps://www.energieinstitut.at/eiv-en/koprolzkhttps://www.energieinstitut.at/eiv-en/koprolzk/@@images/image-1200-6a2648d71785b7c559ebec4537a464b7.jpeg
Cost and process optimization in the life cycle of ultra-low and plus-energy buildings
As research and demonstration projects show, buildings can already be constructed or refurbished to near-zero and plus-energy standards that also achieve extremely low energy requirements and CO2 emissions in practice and, additionally, use building-related renewable energies that are economical to operate. However, the widespread market introduction of such buildings has so far progressed very hesitantly, as methods and processes accompanying planning for the cost-optimal integration of efficiency measures and renewable energies have not yet been sufficiently described and are thus not yet common practice.
The aim of the project is to describe to those involved in planning and construction a suitable methodological procedure that enables the continuous energy-economic optimization of highly efficient buildings in all planning phases.
As research and demonstration projects show, buildings can already be constructed or renovated to near-zero and plus-energy standards that also achieve extremely low energy requirements and CO2 emissions in practice, additionally use renewable energies close to the building, and are economical to operate. However, the widespread market introduction of such buildings has so far progressed very hesitantly, since methods and processes for the cost-optimized integration of efficiency measures and renewable energies that accompany the planning process have not yet been sufficiently described and are therefore not yet common practice. As a result, there is criticism – quite rightly in many inadequately planned buildings – that the real energy consumption of highly efficient buildings is higher than the predicted demand and that high efficiency standards are too expensive and uneconomical. The description of suitable methods for the energetic-economic optimization of high-efficiency buildings in all planning phases and the provision of characteristic values for energy efficiency, costs and economic efficiency are therefore a prerequisite for broad market introduction.
Project flow
The project developed a consistent methodological approach with the aim of cost efficiency; this approach are to be applied to various phases from the scale of the zoning plan, development planning, competition, through the urban development concept to the individual building and its operation. In addition to the elaboration and description of the method on already realized zero- and plus-energy buildings, cost parameters are to be elaborated in the applied project in order to increase acceptance among different addressed target groups on the one hand, and to offer the prerequisite for a fast market introduction on the other hand. The continuous involvement of 12 LOI partners (from the building guild, to large national construction companies, countries, investors and housing developers), representing all stakeholder groups, plays an overriding role.
Project outcome
Intended results and findings
Publishable study and interactive online planning catalog with the following basic structure:
Model process for the energy-economic optimization of zero and plus energy buildings in all planning phases.
Definition and quantification of cost saving potentials over the entire life cycle of NZEBs.
Database with cost parameters and savings potentials of NZEBs
All results on the project website
A dedicated project website was created as part of the project. All results are presented on this website. You can find the site at: https://www.aee-data.at/kopro/